Group Text Messages Journey

Welcome to Steff's group text journey page, where we'll share the nightly text updates her husband sent. These messages were a crucial way for friends and family to stay informed about Steff's condition. Her husband's regular updates became a source of comfort, bridging the gap between the hospital and the outside world.

Group Text Sent to 65 People on 09-16-2022 11:48:11 PM
“Steff remains intubated and on full life support at this time and heavily sedated while her body is healing. She is making small incremental improvements.”

Group Text Sent to 72 People on 09-16-2022 11:57:58 PM
”At the request of the physician and staff watching over Steff, I am requesting to not have any visitors on Saturday 8-17. She is getting overstimulated a bit. I am sure that Steff loves the attention, but it is best that she remain calm and still while she is healing. I will keep everyone updated on progress throughout the day tomorrow as new information arises.”

Group Text Sent to 119 People on 09-17-2022 06:58:47 AM
”(Steff AM Update) Steff did great through the night. Her blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, & other vitals were all stable. She is fighting and knows that you all are there, praying, & thinking about her. She is surrounded by so much love and it is difficult to describe with words. I love and appreciate everything that is being done to help my family. I was able to sleep 5-6 hours and feel much more rested today. I will continue to provide updates as things with Steff change. ❤️🙏🏼”

Group Text Sent to 293 People on 09-19-2022 01:05:25 AM
”(Steff 9-18 PM Update) I had planned on sharing the story about what happened to Steff that got us to where we are today. I am out of energy for the day, but at least wanted to get the daily update message to everyone. She made great progress again today and is no longer on sedation medication and is beginning to initiate more breathing on her own. Steff is catching up on some much needed rest. For those who know Steff, that girl does not sit still for long. She continues to surprise the doctors and nursing staff and her progress is nothing short of miraculous. In between her naps, she continued to open her eyes, move her head, wiggle her toes, & even gave someone a thumbs up. She is surrounded by pure love from her friends & family. Our prayers are being answered so PLEASE continue to pray for her that her body will be healed and that her amazing medical team will continue to help her get better.”

Group Text Sent to 303 People on 09-20-2022 12:34:41 AM
”(STEFF UPDATE - 9-19-22) Your Prayers are making a difference....I promise you. I am sending you this update with such gratitude for the love that is being showered upon Steff and my family. Today we we experienced another miracle when Steff showed such drastic improvement through the night that the doctor thought she was ready to have the breathing tube removed today. Within minutes of tube being removed Steff was trying to say something with her raspy soft voice. She was saying, "I want to go home". She is not quite ready for that yet, but we are inching our way towards that goal. I would love to write more about different experiences, but I am operating on fumes today and don't have it in me to write anymore tonight. I will get the backstory about Steff out as soon as I can, but it won't be tonight.”

Group Text Sent to 303 People on 09-21-2022 07:26:40 AM

”(STEFF 9-20 UPDATE) "Just be nice to people" These words came from Steff's mouth today and I think perfectly sums up how she lives her life and why you all are here. Please continue to pray hard for her. Steff continues to need your love and your prayers.

The miracles have not stopped.

- Steff was removed from all forms of life support medications today.

- They are unplugging machines, cables, tubes, etc. at an incredible pace.

- Steff was able to sit up on the side of the bed with help.

- Davis and Alivia were able to come and see their mama today. It made all of our hearts happy to be together for the first time since Steff went to the ER.

- Steff squeezed the Neurologists hand so hard, I thought they might get hurt. For those who have felt Steffs handshake, you understand.

- Steff said it was ok if I went home to take a shower. This was big because she remembered a conversation from a year ago where we debated whether or not I would stay at her side if ever hospitalized. I think I just won that debate.

I still haven't got the back story, but I will.

We LOVE YOU all for being there for us as anything arises. I feel your strength and love flowing into this dimly lit room as I begin to nod off. ”

Group Text Sent to 312 People on 09-22-2022 03:08:15 AM
”(STEFF UPDATE) Steff and I couldn't sleep so my update was a little delayed today. We have been doing a bit of catching up... Our lives have been forever changed by the events that transpired over the past week. Thank you for continuing to pray for Steff and my family. Steff is surrounded by so much love it is hard to explain the intense calmness that enters her ICU room each night. If you know Steff at all you know that she likes to move and get things done and that is what she is doing. I have never seen so many doctors and nurses trying to catch a glimpse of the miracle happening in ICU room 2107. The smiles of the ICU staff are giving me great comfort and are reassuring me that everything is going to be ok.”

Group Text Sent to 312 People on 09-22-2022 11:44:27 PM
”(STEFF 9-22 UPDATE) It is hard to fathom where we are today versus just seven days ago. I will share the full details of what happened on that scary morning in one of my upcoming messages. The short version is that my wife Steffani experienced something that caused a major cardiac event on 9-15-2023 that caused her heart to stop three times and underwent CPR for a total of almost 45 minutes & multiple AED shocks. She was placed on all forms of life support (11 Different Drips, Intubation, & an Ice Blanket) She was in a medically induced coma and the probability of her surviving was extremely low. (6%) Within a few days after the event, Steff began to show signs of improvement and this is where the miracles started to happen. Steff & I have been touched by the light of your prayers and love. I am not sure how many nurses, doctors, paramedics, hospital staff, friends, family, & community have been unified to love Steffani. There have been so many miracles that have continued to happen each day. Steff's heart scan came back 100% clear. The Cardiologist said to Steff that your heart is "Pristine". That is the perfect word that describes Steff's heart and her desire to be genuine & present with those she encounters on a day to day basis.

- Steff was officially moved from ICU

- Steff walked to the end of the hall and back with a walker

- We spent some time in the new room tonight with the kids

- She used the commode again - "Steff said are you really gonna say that?" (All bodily processes are being appreciated)”

Group Text Sent to 313 People on 09-23-2022 08:25:04 AM

(Prayer for Steff) I know that so many of you have been continuing to pray for Steff and I'm asking that you say a special prayer for her. She is doing well and will be undergoing a procedure in a few minutes and I pray that she will feel the room swell with love and peace. Thank you.

I will be sending an update later today to update everyone on how Steff is continuing to progress.

Group Text Sent to 315 People on 09-24-2022 01:07:04 AM
”(STEFF UPDATE 9-23-22 - Pt.1/2) Steff and I had a very heartfelt conversation with her nurse tonight. We were discussing Steff's miraculous recovery. I said that what is happening is kinda fitting for Steff if you know her. She likes to move quickly, not procrastinate, & get things done so she can move onto the next thing. The nurse said that she believes that the desire and mindset of a patient can mean the difference between progressing forward or sliding back. Steff is moving forward and nothing can stop her.

Steff's pure love for her family & friends is unparalleled. Right now Steff is living in the "gray." What I mean by that is that's Steff's experience of this life changing event is completely different from ours because she doesn't remember it. She only understands this event through our eyes and our experiences. When she hears how this event has impacted you and how you see life she begins to understand that this wasn't so much about the event as it was about uniting her friends and family "Framily" and understanding how much she is loved and appreciated. I think we are all thinking about time and how truly precious it is. Who and and where to we invest this precious time? Don't be wasteful and Invest wisely is the thought that rings in my mind.”

Group Text Sent to 315 People on 09-24-2022 01:20:01 AM
”(STEFF UPDATE 9-23-22 pt.2/2) What happened today:

1. Steff had an ICD implanted near her heart as an insurance policy to ensure that something like this wont happen again. This procedure went very smooth and she was cleared to be discharged once all other criteria are met.

2. Steff walked down the hallway and back without a walker.

3. Steff was approved for a regular diet. (Ate In N Out for lunch and enjoyed a wonderful home cooked cooked Meal by Mila

4. Shut down final drip. She is now on ZERO drip meds.

What's up for tomorrow?

We think Steff is getting discharged! I know that is hard to believe, but when you have a pristine heart, clear lungs, walk, talk, eat have perfect blood pressure, & an insurance policy(ICD), you don't need to stay in the hospital.

Remember what Steff's first words were when Extubated," I want to go home." Her desire and intent are pure and Heavenly Father has blessed us dearly.

I pray for all of us to not waste this miracle and to be better and nicer to the people we love. Our time is precious, invest it wisely.”

Group Text Sent to 309 People on 10-14-2022 12:59:29 AM

(STEFF UPDATE) I have had a strong feeling to send out an update about how Steff and our family is doing. Sorry I am sending this so late, but I receive an incredible peace in my heart when I am writing these messages. Today marks the day exactly 4 weeks ago when our "Framily" was changed forever. As I am writing I am transported instantly back to the dimly lit nights in the ICU staring across the room at Steff and listening to the alarms and sounds of the hospital hallways scurrying with nurses and doctors as they tend to their patients. I am still continually replaying the events from the last month in my head and they are the most traumatic and beautiful experiences of my life that I will continue to cherish and share. I love how our community came together in an instant. Our family is overflowing with love coming from each of you.


- Steff is continuing to get her strength up and her IV bruises and marks are fading away.

- The "EZ io" port in her shin is almost healed. Google it!

- Steff has had some vision issues that are slowly improving.

- We met the paramedics, ambulance drivers, & the 911 dispatch operator that helped to save Steff's life. I have been replaying the counting 1,2,3,4 from the 911 dispatch as I gave Steff chest compressions. I broke down as soon as I saw the dispatcher and gave her a big hug.

- Steff had her first ICD checkup. They connected to her implanted device with Bluetooth and ran a test that could change her heart rate...WOW!

Cal Fire Video at Time 4:53